Our Story

Presidency High School blossomed on 9 June 1997.

Foreign Followers
Certified Teachers
Students Enrolled
Complete Courses

Every Child’s Academic, Artistic, Physical and Social Potential should be Developed to The Fullest


The Management and The Staff Of Presidency Hr.Sec. School are committed to the development of its pupils to reach their full potential. We aspire to achieve the following statement: “Every Child’s Academic, Artistic, Physical and Social Potential should be Developed to The Fullest” By working towards the above, we aim to create a school where children feel confident and develop good habits for learning which will last a lifetime.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We want children to become responsible citizens with high moral standards, developing a respect and tolerance for different races, religions and ways of life.

Presidency High School blossomed on 9 June 1997. The first batch of the Students presented to S.S.L.C., Examination in March 2003, came out with flying colors and brought home Cent percent results.

Auxilium Educational Society procured the school in June 2005. The School is run by Auxilium Educational Society with vision to serve the society with devotion and dedication. The Society aims at character formation and academic excellence of the students through preventive Ideology, which is based on Reason, Religion and Kindness.

The Members of Auxilium Educational Society are great entrepreneurs, devoted educationalists and selfless social workers who look to build a prosperous and peaceful society.

Presidency High School was upgraded to Higher Secondary School with Al A2 & A3 groups in June 2012. Our school has participated and won various competitions and events in and around Puducherry. Especially our students stamped their name in National level Silambam, National Children Science Congress, Southern India Science Drama Festival, Independence Day and Republic Day celebrations held at Puducherry and in 2020 & 2021 our School won First Prize in National level Kala Utsav. As the epitome of educational excellence our School has achieved State II Rank in the Academic year 2018-2019, State I Rank in 2020-2021.


At Presidency, we emphasise a personalised approach to education and recognise the needs to adapt and be creative with the curriculum, teaching and pupil learning so that we meet the needs of individual students.

Our teaching methods recognise and reflect the fact that each child is an individual with his/her own aspirations and aptitudes. In promoting active learning, we recognise the importance of ensuring that learning experiences are stimulating and challenging. Our aim is to make learning relevant and meaningful and to promote enthusiasm for life-long learning.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Attainment and achievement are continually scrutinised and reviewed annually by the school to ensure standards are maintained or improved. All children are given opportunities to develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work.


School buildings, classrooms, playgrounds and libraries are the most important aspect of infrastructure in school. Well-equipped labs help to perform lab activities more effectively. We give top priority to safeguard the students and round-the-clock surveillance of the campus is covered with CCTVs. Every single corner of the school is covered with the coverage of close circuit cameras


The School library is a reservoir of books It has a rich collection of books on a variety of subjects such as Science, Maths, History, English/Tamil literature and fiction, reference books along with a vast collection of audio-visual material.

Computer Lab

In view of the fast changing Technical world , we offer an intensive computer initiation and training to all the students. Another significant aspect of our computer education is that we provide online education and assignments through the platform of MOODLE.

Well Equipped Science Laboratories

We have modern, well-equipped and spacious laboratories of Physics, Chemistry, and Botany and Zoology  with the. The laboratories meet all the requirements of the students. All the facilities and effective safety measures are taken care of while students perform experiments in these laboratories.

Games & Sports

Games and sports increase self-esteem and mental alertness. It teaches the children life skills like teamwork, leadership, patience and many more. In order to supplement the academic efforts of the students the promotion of sports is also essential. So, we have introduced an array of sports activities at our school campus such as: Athletics, Badminton, Chess, Carom, Hand Ball, Kabbadi, Kho-Kho, Table Tennis, Throw Ball and Volleyball.

Celebration of Special Assemblies & Festivals

Celebration of all major festivals, depicting their social relevance, is an integral part of the Indian culture. To develop a respect for our festivals and values, we arrange many co curricular activities and special assemblies on different religious and national festivals.

Extracurricular Activites

Extracurricular for Every child is one of the policies of Presidency. Every day the students learn their interested art forms like Keyboard, Guitar, Classical Dance Drums, Karate, Painting, Vocal, Western Dance, Terracotta, Chess, Silambam, Craft.
